Located in New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley, I’ve been providing digital marketing services with a focus on paid search since 2002. I also offer content marketing and blog writing consulting services. Contact me to schedule a free consultation today!
Located in New York’s Mid-Hudson Valley, I’ve been providing digital marketing services with a focus on paid search since 2002. I also offer content marketing and blog writing consulting services. Contact me to schedule a free consultation today!
Hello! Hi! It’s nice to meet you. If you’re here because you represent a tech company, tech publication, or an agency that serves tech companies and need writing services - please fill out the form and I’ll get back to you within a day or so.
If you’re here because you read my essay on HuffPost, please drop a note to say hi. I appreciate you. If you like my essay and want to read more about Ana, I hope you’ll subscribe to my Substack - The Halfway Path - where I share stories about grief, Ana, birds, and other non-tech related things. All content on this Substack is currently free, though paid subscriptions are appreciated. I also have a substantial body of work on Medium - here’s my Medium profile if you want to dig in. And,
Oh, hey, before you go…I actually did write a book about Arkomo. It’s a middle grade fantasy that I published back in 2014. Order it from Amazon if fantasy is your cup of tea. I spent four years writing this book and another two querying agents. I ultimately self-published it. It’s not about Ana’s world of tiny toys, but it’s very much inspired by Ana, especially when we were stuck in the hospital for weeks. Arkomo can only be reached from the hospital. Ana gave me her blessing to use the name Arkomo for this book. The main character Grace is an 11-year-old girl with cancer. Ana’s name means “Grace”.